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Hi, I’m Kristy!
My name is Kristy Rice, I’m an 11 time creative empowerment author, I’ve taught millions of beginners worldwide to make #artforjoysake!
#artforjoysake is a mindfulness practice. NEVER dreamed of picking up a brush? Don’t have a creative bone in your body? Think this sounds impossible? You’re in the right place. I make BRAND NEW DAYS for those who need it most…with watercolor.

I’m a joy seeker..
Joy is very different than happiness because happiness relies soley on good circumstances. But JOY, when you find it, cannot be shaken.

Kristy’s Books
Making Art for Joy’s Sake has become my mantra and teaching others how to carve out small moments for painting whether just beginning or seasoned, is my passion. We all have the same amount of hours in each day. We all struggle with the distractions that carry us away into a mediocre existence. Let the touch of watercolor on your page open you up to a joy you couldn’t have dreamed!

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Exclusive Content
What is Patreon you ask? It a way for me to create robust and exclusive content to those who wish to support me as a fine artist. So yes, my free content here and elsewhere online will continue BUT on Patreon you’ll have access to wayyyy more #artforjoysake!

Catch Kristy on YouTube!
Featured Product
The Ready For Joy Empty Watercolor Palette – Anemones
Art making fills me up like little else in this world, and my goal is for you to feel that same exhilaration. Over the years, I’ve learned that surrounding myself with carefully curated, beautiful items inspires me almost as much as creating beautiful art. So I’ve developed this collection of empty palettes that elevate our paint collections to true objets d’art.

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